Currently in Los Angeles — July 26, 2024: A comfortable weekend

Plus, independent climate journalism needs your support, now more than ever

The weather, currently.

A comfortable weekend

It was already into the upper 80s across many valley locations yesterday by 10am, as the peak of the heatwave hit LA county on Thursday. Many of these inland locations remained in the 70s overnight.

Heading into the weekend, a bit of a break to the swelter, as temps will fall back down to seasonal, to a bit below normal. With the cooldown, the monsoonal moisture that has occasionally impacted mountain interior communities will also wane. Enjoy the more comfortable late July weekend!

What you can do, currently.

A Media Matters analysis found that last year — the hottest calendar year on record — network coverage of climate actually declined in the US. What’s worse, just 12% of reports about climate change mentioned fossil fuels as the driving cause. The media still reported on extreme weather, but stopped short of making the climate connection.

Independent climate journalism like Currently is needed more than ever. And this year, with all of these weather warnings already underway, we’ll unfortunately have plenty of opportunities to do better.